Introduction #
This document is a guide for installing the Deepfactor admission webhook in your AWS EKS cluster running on AWS Fargate via helm charts. Please ensure you have the required prerequisites for installing the Deepfactor webhook specified in the following article.
Prerequisites for installing Deepfactor Mutating Admission webhook
A Fargate EKS cluster can be created either by using CLI, UI, or eksctl command line tool as follows.
eksctl create cluster --name my-cluster --region AWS_REGION --fargate
Create Fargate Profile For Deepfactor webhook #
Create a fargate profile for the df-webhook namespace into which the Deepfactor webhook will be deployed using the command below
eksctl create fargateprofile \ --cluster my-cluster \ --name my-fargate-profile-name \ --namespace df-webhook \ --region AWS_REGION \ --labels key=value
Install Deepfactor Mutating Webhook #
Follow the instructions provided in the following document to install and configure the Deepfactor webhook.
Install Deepfactor Mutating Webhook
If you choose to manage Deepfactor admission webhook certificate using cert-manager, please use the following command to install the webhook. cert-manager uses port 10250 by default and since AWS Fargate kubelet also uses the same port, you will need to use a different port for cert manager by providing an override value in the helm upgrade command.
export HELM_RELEASE_NAME=df-webhook-stable export HELM_RELEASE_NAMESPACE=df-webhook helm upgrade --install $HELM_RELEASE_NAME -n $HELM_RELEASE_NAMESPACE deepfactor/webhook \ --create-namespace -f webhook-override.yaml --set cert-manager.webhook.securePort=10260